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由於對電動車系統的了解,我們更開發出電動車動力系統(EV Drive System),動力系統可以大幅縮減車廠開發電動車的時間。所有的電動車動力系統均有群星工程部最佳化的匹配與調整。我們的動力系統產品可以使用在許多的電動車輛上,如低速電動車,電動三輪車,高爾夫球車,電動物流車


群星的大家長Edmund Cho董事長(本身擁有20多年的電機控制經驗)於1988年創立群星科技有限公司。並主導公司致力於開發出更符合客人與市場需求的電動車控制器產品。董事長時常提醒團隊要不斷創新並將創新的主意應用到我們的電動車產品,使產品更佳更符合市場的需求。如今群星已經是世界級的動力系統設計與製造商。

Starst motor controller, battery charger, EV drive system


U.S.A., China, Canada, Thailand, Taiwan, Turkey, India, Philippines, Indonesia, Pakistan...etc.

Mission and Vision

Our mission is to provide more Smart motor controller for our life. Listen to the express of the customer and design the products which can solve the problem. Our products reduce dependency on hydrocarbon fuels and that is great for the environment. To become a world-class profession motor control manufacturer. And earned the high regard trust of our employees, customers and the community


Stars manufacturing utilizes a variety of on site equipment such as; solder flow machines for both surface mount and through hole circuit board assemblies, various automated and semi automatic machines to assist in assembly, and testing is performed through semi and fully automated test equipment. Every Stars motor controller is tested at 100% power to ensure high quality and made in Taiwan.